
Training Dates 2025:

  • The next session will begin on March 1st

Training Location:

  • By locality


  • Saturdays 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.


  • One time payment of 50€.

Training Guidelines and Regulations


  • A shirt and tie are the recommended attire for each trainee during the monthly corporate session.

Arrival Time

  • We recommend the trainees to arrive 8:30 AM, to allow time for seating and the exercise of the spirit.
  • Every trainee is expected to be in their seat no later than 5 minutes before the start time of each session.
  • Doors will be locked at the start time of each session. Those who arrive late should expect that they will not be able to enter until the next session break.

Training Outlines

  • Duplication of the training material is not permitted.


  • All trainees should arrange their schedule so as not to miss any meeting.
  • For the monthly training sessions, three excused absences per year are permitted with prior approval.
  • More than two unexcused absence or more than three excused absences will result in dismissal from the training.
  • Trainees are allowed to make up the missed video session only by the permission of the local administrators.
  • Trainees are required to attend a minimum of 75% of the weekly study groups for the year. The training is one year in length.

Training Criteria:

  • 25 years of age or older
  • Married, with a proper marital status (Single brothers can be considered depending on their level of maturity and faithfulness in service)
  • Of a good character
  • Matured in life, faithful in service
  • Have a good knowledge of the truth
  • Able to coordinate with others
  • Already serving as an elder or responsible one
  • Living a normal church life, including regular meeting attendance and functioning on Lord’s Day, prayer meeting, group meeting, etc.
  • Willing to commit to the training schedule (i.e. one Saturday a month from 9 am to 12 pm and a regular weekly meeting with your study group members).